Mysteries of Cover: Fires of Invention

New Steampunk Series: Mysteries of Cove — Cover Reveal

Have you heard of Steampunk? Steampunk is not only a current movement in the literary world, but it’s pretty popular at my house.

Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates technology inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.

So, why I am telling you about Steampunk today? It’s because I’m excited to share with you a sneak peek at an upcoming Steampunk fiction book series that your kids are sure to love.

Mysteries of Cover: Fires of Invention

Fires of Invention is the first book in the new “Mysteries of Cove” series. Fires of Invention features a creative thirteen-year-old boy named Trenton Colman who has a knack for all things mechanical. But his talents are viewed with suspicion in Cove, a steam-powered city built inside a mountain. In Cove, creativity is a crime and “invention” is a curse word. Kallista Babbage is a repair technician and daughter of the notorious Leo Babbage, whose father died in an explosion-an event the leaders of Cove point to as an example of the danger of creativity.

Working together, Trenton and Kallista learn that Leo Babbage was developing a secret project before he perished. Following clues he left behind, they begin to assemble a strange machine that is unlikely anything they’ve ever seen before. They soon discover that what they are building may threaten every truth their city is founded on-and quite possibly their very lives.

According to Author J. Scott Savage the book was inspired by the mechanical dragon he saw when he went to see the musical Wicked with his wife. He says:

The moment I walked into the theater and saw the huge mechanical dragon above the stage, I thought, Wow! I have to write a story about that! A few weeks later, I was talking with my nephew, who is probably the most creative kid I know, but whose inventiveness often gets him into trouble, and I thought, What if a kid who had the talents of my nephew lived in a world where creativity was against the law? What if the kids were building . . . a steam-powered dragon? Bam! I had my story.

Powered by great feedback from my agent, Michael Bourret, my good friend and author James Dashner, my publisher, Chris Schoebinger, and the song “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, I wrote the entire first draft of the first volume in the series, Mysteries of Cove in four weeks. This book is unlike anything I have ever written. There are elements of City of Ember, Dragon Riders, and Hugo in it all mashed up together in a world I fell in love with from the moment I started writing.

I think what’s most exciting to me about this book is that it’s about giving yourself the freedom to imagine. To take chances. Too often we limit ourselves by only trying things we’re confident we can succeed at when what we need to do is give ourselves permission to fail. Often it is when we attempt things with no idea of how we can possibly pull them off that we achieve our greatest successes.

About the Author

j. scott savage, author

Scott Savage is the author of the Farworld middle grade fantasy series and the Case File 13 middle grade monster series. He has been writing and publishing books for over ten years. He has visited over 400 elementary schools, dozens of writers conferences, and taught many writing classes. He has four children and lives with his wife Jennifer and their Border Collie, Pepper, in a windy valley of the Rocky Mountains. You can follow Scott and get more information about all his books at You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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