It is Better to Look Up–Book Review

One of the best parts of LDS General Conference is the stories. I love the personal stories shared by our prophets, general authorities and other leaders. It makes teaching so much more personal and gives us little glimpses into their lives and the events that have made them who they are today. And, of course, I have always loved “people” stories.
It Is Better to Look Up: Life Experiences Shared from the Pulpit is a collection of nearly 60 of the most memorable and beloved of these stories shared over the years at General Conferences. With authors ranging from LDS Church Presidents Thomas S. Monson and Spencer W. Kimball to Sisters Elaine L. Jack and Anne C. Pingree, this is a can’t-miss compilation. Each story is accompanied by a scripture that reinforces its beautiful gospel lesson.
I can’t tell you which is my favorite because I can’t decide. Not only are the stories wonderful, memorable and always teaching, the book itself is beautiful. In recent years, Deseret Book has begun producing a series of beautifully designed and laid out books. They make the graphic designer in me happy just to look at the pages. This book is no exception. Beautiful color photographs and lovely page backgrounds make this book pretty enough for a spot on the living room table.

Whether you are just looking for uplifting, enjoyable stories with a great message, or attention getters and teaching supplements for Sunday lessons, family home evenings or even story time with the family, this book will fill the bill.
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