Easy Italian for Busy Nights
I think it’s time for a little food break here. It’s been a slow-cooker week at our house. Too many things going on, too much stress for complicated meals that…
I think it’s time for a little food break here. It’s been a slow-cooker week at our house. Too many things going on, too much stress for complicated meals that…
Do you spend too much time on your email? Would you like to cut that time way back and not miss any important emails. You can! If you use gmail,…
Another year! It’s January 1st and we have a whole new, shiny blank calendar for us to fill with wonderful things. It’s that time of year when people begin thinking…
It’s New Year’s Eve and that means everyone at our house gets to pick their favorite fun foods to add to our evening menu. It’s the one night of the…
It’s December 31st, New Year’s Eve, and it seems traditional to do a little retrospective of the year. I could rehash my 10 favorite blog posts, I could talk about…
Genealogy–or Family History–is by all accounts one of the fastest growing and most popular hobbies in the world today. In ever-increasing numbers, people are searching for their roots, trying to…
This is a post I originally wrote last spring. But with the holidays approaching and lots of family get-togethers on the calendar for many of us, I thought it was…
“To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring.” –George Santayana I do love all the seasons….
I want you to read my blog. Heck, I want everyone to read my blog. Isn’t that the name of the game here? There isn’t really much point in writing…
It’s cold and snowy here today. Cold, snowy days just cry out for something baked warm from the oven. Biscuits and cocoa are the perfect afternoon snack on a day…