Are you “Born Brave”? CD #Review

Katherine Nelson Born BraveBorn Brave is the title and the title track of artist Katherine Nelson’s third CD. Born Brave is one of those songs that just makes you not only want to sing along–all bold and loud even when you’re like me and can’t carry a tune in a bucket–but to get up and dance as well.

An anthem to self-confidence, it is one of those feel good songs. For me, it went right to the top of my “inspirational” play list, all the songs I play–and sing along to–when I need a boost. And the really cool part? This isn’t the only song on Katherine’s album that feels good and leaves you feeling good.

This is an album to listen to over and over.

And I want to give one of my wonderful readers the opportunity to listen to this beautiful album over and over.

And believe me, you’re going to want this one.

I could write all day long about all the songs I love on this album. Home Sweet Home is another favorite, with a great catchy tune and fun lyrics, I can totally relate to the dancing around the kitchen and non-identifiable meals, Katherine talks about in describing this song. And the album closes with a beautiful tribute to Mary, called Virgin’s Lullaby. This album celebrates life and love and women and all our strengths and the things the bind us together.

I need to offer many thanks to Katherine Nelson and to Your LDS Radio, who is sponsoring this review and giveaway, I have one copy of Born Brave for a lucky listener.

Your LDS Radio  streams LDS music 24/7 online and on your phone. Check out the Your LDS Radio website and facebook page to learn more.

To enter, follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway ends at midnight eastern time on Thursday, August 23rd, so don’t miss out!

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  1. Brooke M. says:

    I’ve had problems with infertility and I have had two miscarriages. Even though it’s been such a huge struggle and hardship in my life, I feel as though I’ve become stronger, more courageous, BRAVE because of this trail in my life.

  2. Sometimes being brave is doing the things you’re supposed to do, every day, without fail because you know that if you don’t, you could easily slip back into old habits.

  3. Bravery is present when we step out of our comfort zone to try any new thing whether it be a food or activity. It can also mean standing up for what is right and lending your voice. Sometimes I hear myself stepping up, saying, “I’ll be brave”.

  4. Cynthia M says:

    The last two and a half years have required more moments of bravery than any other stage in my life as I’ve worked to help my sons heal from being sexually abused by a family member as well as working within the court system to get their abuser help and therapy so that hopefully he can change his life pattern.

  5. So many things in life take bravery. I think I have to be brave every time I get a prompting from the spirit to do something even though I don’t understand why or how. It takes real bravery to follow those promptings and trust that the Lord knows better than I do.

  6. Being brave can happen in so many ways. I will share a time I was spiritually brave. I was a very new convert and was eager to everyone about the gospel. I was getting ready to fly cross-country and as I sat in my seat on the plane, I prayed that Heavenly Father would put someone next to me who I could share the gospel with. As soon as my prayer ended, I looked up and saw this obviously intoxicated, 80s-looking rocker getting on the plane. I just knew he was going to be my seat-mate and complimented Heavenly Father on His sense of humor. Sure enough, he sat next to me. It took every bit of faith I had to steer the conversation to the gospel. It turned out, he was a really nice guy and he had (or at least appeared to have) a lot of interest in the gospel. I will likely never find out (in this life) whether or not this man continued to learn about the gospel, but I know he heard what Heavenly Father wanted him to know at that time in his life.