The Light We Share #BookReview
The light of the gospel changes lives. It has changed mine. It changed Harriet Uchtdorf’s life. In The Light We Share, a beautiful short volume, Harriet R. Uchtdorf recalls the change in her life when her husband was called to be an apostle of the Lord. They had moved, temporarily she thought, from their home in Germany to Salt Lake City as her husband Dieter F. Uchtdorf fulfilled his church assignments. And then one day he came home to tell her he was being called to fill a vacancy in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles—special witnesses of Jesus Christ.
As she reflected on the changes this would bring to their lives, she recalled her life as a young girl in post-World War II Germany. It was not a happy time for her and her family. She describes her home as a place of suffering and sadness, especially following the death of her beloved father.
And then one day two missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knocked on their door. And the message they brought changed Harriet’s home from a place of suffering and sadness and took away the darkness “because light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time.”
Harriet and her mother and sister embraced the gospel, feeling its divine love and light in their lives and were soon baptized. She goes on to talk about how the light of the gospel has impacted her life—and how sharing it with those around her have changed both her and them for the better. She says, “Over time and in different ways, the light and truth of the gospel touched the members of our family. Because of it, my life changed forever.”
She shares her love for the missionaries and for those who radiate that light of the gospel in their every day lives. Her message is simple and beautiful: When we live the gospel with enthusiasm, when we let our light shine, we become beacons in an ever-darkening world showing the way to Jesus Christ and eternal life by the light we share with those around us.
The Light We Share is a beautifully illustrated short gift book that is a lovely reminder of the joy to be found in the gospel and in living our lives in the light of Christ. The Light We Share is a book well worth sharing.
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