Diary Two Mad Black Mormons

“Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons” Review and Giveaway

Diary Two Mad Black MormonsI admit it. I’m a writer with a “need to know.” Letters, diaries, emails—all that good stuff that gives me a real insight into how someone thinks and what makes them tick; that’s my kind of reading. So, when I was given a copy of Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons, I couldn’t wait to dig in.

And I wasn’t disappointed. Life lessons and stories from the lives of authors Zandra Vranes & Tamu Smith, known to their readers as the “Sistas in Zion” (also the name of their blog, not coincidentally) are presented with laugh-out-loud humor and a sweetness that makes you want to spend an afternoon getting to know them.

I suppose that most readers would think this is a book about two angry women, but I assumed that “mad” referred not to anger, but to crazy—you know, good crazy, fun crazy—everyone has a least one of those friends. But then maybe that’s because it’s an adjective I am sure someone has used to refer to me—more than once.

I love the writing style. It really is like getting a little glimpse into someone’s diary. So often I feel like I’m being  preached at, but this book is more like a conversation with friends. When I’m reading it, their voices really come through. It’s one of those books where I can “hear” their voices as I read, which really drew me in and kept me reading.

The book alternates between longer “diary” entries and shorter little vignettes. They cover the whole range of life experience (I was going to say Mormon experience, but these life lessons are universal): challenging your faith, dealing with crazy families, relationships, change. And every lesson is personalized and presented in a way that I came away from so many thinking, “Yeah, I know that feeling.” I could definitely relate.

If you are looking to be uplifted and inspired and entertained all at the same time, then you definitely want to read Diary of Two Mad Black Mormons. You can pick it up at Deseret Book or you can order it through the Deseret Book website here.

Or because the Sistas and I are just so cool, you can enter below to win your own copy. Good luck–and happy reading!

A copy of this book was provided to me for review and my opinions are always just mine.

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