Is There Still No Room at the Inn?

Is There Still No Room at the Inn?

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And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
      ~Luke 2:7

It has been a busy week here. Far too many obligations, commitments and pressures to have everything ready and “just so” for Christmas. This week has been filled with Christmas concerts, parties, shopping and wrapping and even house cleaning, so we could be done and enjoy our holiday. I have fallen in bed exhausted every night, only to still feel the need to leap out of bed and see how many to-do’s I could check off my list before hurrying out the door in the morning.

This morning I awoke and realized that I had not written anything to share today. I had no idea what I should write, not feeling the least bit inspired. And then it hit me—in all my Christmas preparations this week, I have neglected the most important one of all. My scriptures have sat unopened on my desk all week. I have been so busy with all the physical preparations of Christmas that I have let my daily scripture study slide. I have spent hours this week, cleaning and cooking and shopping and wrapping, preparing my home and my family for the big day, but I haven’t spent nearly enough hours preparing my heart and soul to be reminded of the greatest Christmas gift of all.

My heart is a little heavy this morning, realizing that I am not nearly as prepared for Christmas as I thought I was—not nearly as prepared in the ways I should be. There isn’t much time left, but thankfully there is time. Time for me to shift gears and focus left on the trappings of Christmas and far more on the purpose of Christmas.

And I am up early, while it is still and quiet to reflect and to ponder and to pray—and to make sure there is more room in my heart than there was in the inn.

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
~Roy L. Smith

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