The Blueprint of Christ’s Church—Book Review

To build a house that will last and be sturdy, you need a strong foundation and a good plan—a blueprint.
To build God’s church and have it last, you also need a blueprint. Where do you find such a blueprint? By studying Christ’s church as He established it during His earthly ministry.
The Blueprint of Christ’s Church by Ted R. Callister outlines the basic principles of that blueprint and demonstrates the strength of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the one church that matches it.
This book goes systematically through the different foundational principles of the church of Jesus Christ and compares them to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Using reference to the scriptures, as well as modern revelation, he explains each of the elements of Christ’s church and shows how they are found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The Blueprint of Christ’s Church Review
When I first got this book, I was expecting it to be a more academic & scholarly (and somewhat dry) work. Instead I found a book that was neatly laid out and easy to read with well organized sections and chapters. While the book is packed with information—and is a scholarly work—it is also written in a style easily read and understood by the lay reader.
I found myself enjoying the book much more than I thought I would. I also found myself learning and re-learning principles that I either hadn’t given a lot of thought to previously or just hadn’t taken the time to study out as much as I should.
While I have known for many years that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and complete gospel of Jesus Christ, I have not really given as much attention to some of the details of it as I should. This book is an excellent reference for those who want a greater understanding of the organization and structure of Christ’s Church, whether in the time of the New Testament or in the present day.
For those who want a cover-to-cover read, as I read it, it moves quickly with lots of examples and references that make it easy to see how the church today matches up with the church in Christ’s time. As a reference book to be referred to when a reader wants a specific question answered, the detailed and well-organized contents, index and appendix make it easy to find specific principles and topics.
In my current church position as an adult Sunday School teacher, I definitely see myself referring to this book on a regular basis as I research my lessons on the basic principles of the gospel. I found myself having regular aha! moments as I learned and recalled different concepts that I hadn’t given enough thought to (yes, I am admitting that sometimes I don’t do as much gospel study as I should).
I recommend The Blueprint of Christ’s Church by Ted R. Callister to anyone who is teaching and to anyone who has a desire to see how well The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints truly does follow Christ’s plan for his church.
About the Author
About the Author: Tad R. Callister was serving in the Presidency of the Seventy and as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy when he was called as Sunday School general president in April 2014. Brother Callister received a BS in accounting from Brigham Young University, a JD from the University of California–Los Angeles, and an MS in tax law from New York University Law School. He spent most of his professional career practicing tax law. He and his wife, Kathryn Louise Saporiti, are the parents of six children.
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The Blueprint of Christ’s Church by Ted R. Callister is available through
The Blueprint of Christ’s Church by Ted R. Callister is available through