will my child be ready? Missionary prep for Moms

Missionary Prep for Moms -Will My Child Be Ready? #BookReview

will my child be ready? Missionary prep for Moms

To serve as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be an amazing, life-changing experience. It can also be challenging, but perhaps less so with the proper preparation. I have known many young missionaries and, on occasion, asked them how they prepared and what they did before they became missionaries. Their answers were as varied as they were.

Having neither served a mission for the church nor sent any of my children on missions, I do not know all the preparation that goes into a mission. And I have wondered if I taught my children well enough.  Will My Child Be Ready? Missionary Prep for Moms by Emily Freeman and Merrilee Boyack was a bit of a reassurance for me. After reading it, I can see that I clearly have room for improvement and that I’m not doing too badly in teaching my children what they need to know.

This book is a great resource, whether you are preparing missionaries, or preparing confident, self-sufficient, spiritually mature young adults. It is divided into 14 topic chapters, each focusing on a different quality, and how and why to teach it. Each chapter is summarized at the end with three bullet-pointed sections:  What They Need to Know; What They Need to Do; and What They Need to Be. After a couple of chapters, I found myself turning to the end of the chapter first, finding that these summaries helped me to focus on the principles.

Another feature I really liked were missionary letters scattered throughout, illustrating how the different concepts and qualities helped them on their missions.

Whether you are preparing young future missionaries, or whether you might be preparing yourself to serve a mission, this book is full of great practical ideas and information and help to implement it.

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Will My Child Be Ready? Missionary Prep for Moms is available from Amazon.com.

Will My Child Be Ready? Missionary Prep for Moms is available from DeseretBook.com.

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